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​Sen. Palumbo, Matthew Gardner to Speak at Housing Solutions Breakfast

Media Contact:
Caia Caldwell, Public Relations & Media Specialist
Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties
p 425.460.8213
m 717.479.1231

Sen. Palumbo, Matthew Gardner to Speak at Housing Solutions Breakfast

There is growing momentum in Olympia for housing reform in the upcoming 2019 legislative session. Come hear a wide range of views from the Seattle area’s top housing experts as we work to increase housing supply and address our housing affordability crisis. Featuring Sen. Palumbo and chief economist for Windemere Real Estate, Matthew Gardner, the breakfast will include researchers, policy makers, and business professionals. Legislative priorities will be discussed, including condominium liability reform and the establishment of an urban net density standard in residential zones. Sen. Palumbo will make himself available to the media following his presentation. #HousingActionNow

What: Housing Solutions Breakfast
When: October 24, 2018, 7:30–9:30 a.m.
Where: Meydenbauer Center
11100 NE 6th St., Bellevue, WA 98004

Featured Speakers: Senator Guy Palumbo, 1st LD—Maltby; Matthew Gardner, Chief Economist, Windermere Real Estate

Panelists: Peter Orser, UW Runstad Department of Real Estate; Maria Barrientos, partner, barrientos RYAN; Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, 34th LD; Rep. Tana Senn, 41st LD; Georgia Stevens, Compass; and Tony To, executive director, HomeSight

Why: This proactive gathering is centered on practical and achievable actions in which to improve the Puget Sound-area housing climate.

More information on speakers and panelists:



Founded in 1909, the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties has grown to become the largest residential homebuilders association in the United States. With nearly 3,000 member companies, the association is dedicated to membership value, housing advocacy, community service, and financial stewardship throughout the Puget Sound region. 

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