Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties
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Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties Wins Awards for Best Service to Members and Best Community Service Project Conducted
BELLEVUE, Wash., June 12, 2024—MBAKS has been recognized for its outstanding Community Stewardship and GRIP programs with two Awards of Excellence from the Executive Officers Council (EOC) of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
“What an honor it is to have our team recognized for all the work they do to make home happen,” said Jerry Hall, Executive Director. “I’m so proud of the ways in which we’ve been able to give back, through a number of community stewardship projects as well as through the benefits our members receive from the GRIP program."
MBAKS offers member companies an opportunity to gain reimbursements for cultivating safe working environments through GRIP. Over the years, the program has constantly evolved to provide the highest level of service for the lowest cost while prioritizing the safety of member participants.
Since its inception, MBAKS’ Community Stewardship has given back to local communities through volunteer based projects as well as financial contributions. Through two flagship projects, Rampathon and Painting A Better Tomorrow, staff and member volunteers have improved homes and community spaces across the region, including constructing over 600 ramps for individuals and families with mobility issues and refreshing the interiors of more than 20 local nonprofit organizations.
The Association Excellence Awards is an annual program designed to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of state and local home builders’ associations and executive officers in the field of association management. EOC membership is comprised of the staff executives who direct more than 590 NAHB-affiliated state and local home builders’ associations representing more than 130,000 home builders in communities across the United States.
“I am inspired by the outstanding achievements of our local associations that won AEA honors this year. Their dedication to excellence, innovation, and community impact sets a high standard for all of us,” said Natalie Fryer, EOC President and Executive Officer of the HBA of Fayetteville. “These associations are shining examples of what can be accomplished with vision, hard work, and a commitment to quality. Congratulations to all the award-winning associations for their well-deserved recognition. Your accomplishments not only benefit your members but also enhance the entire Federation.”
The winning entries will be added to the NAHB website, so that other executives and associations across the country can access and learn from them in order to provide better service to their own members and community.
For more information on the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties go to or contact Learn more about the Association Excellence Awards.
The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS) is the nation’s oldest and largest local homebuilders association, helping to make home happen since 1909.