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Built Green Virtual Conference Preview

Author: Sonja O'Claire, Built Green Program Manager

September has finally arrived, which means the 2020 Built Green Conference, presented by King County GreenTools, is only a couple weeks away! Our team’s a hive of busy bees making this a conference you won’t want to miss.

Built Green Virtual Conference Lobby

Even though COVID-19 has forced us all to socially distance and hold the conference virtually, that hasn’t stopped our team from making this a fun, interactive event with tons of networking opportunities available with other green building experts. In fact, this year attendees are getting more without even having to leave home. All sessions, including the keynotes and Green Hammer Award ceremony, will be recorded and available for replay—you won’t have to miss a single presentation!

Gil Friend, Built Green Conference Keynote

Opening Keynote

The Climate Crisis in the Time of COVID-19: What Can We Learn From Now?

Gil Friend, CEO of Natural Logic Inc. and author of "The Truth About Green Business," will deliver a provocative opening keynote. As a sustainability pioneer Gil will take stock of sustainability and green building movements that have taken place in the past, our accomplishments, and how much we have left to go. The pandemic has shown us that we can act at a speed, scale, scope, and level of coordination that we never thought possible. What if we could mobilize that same collective force around the climate and future crises—as if our lives depended on it?


Sessions We Are Buzzing About

Built Green Conference Session: People as Priority: The Business of Listening to Communities of Color and the Triple Bottom Line, featuring Biruk Belay, project manager, Site Workshop; Erin Feeney, associate, David Baker Architects; Simba Mafundikwa, associate, GGLO; and Whitney Lewis, associate, GGLO
Built Green Conference Session: Building Common Ground Towards Energy Code Consensus, featuring Kjell Anderson, LMN Architects; Leah Missik, transportation policy manager, Climate Solutions
Built Green Conference Session: Electrification of Multifamily Buildings, featuring Jonathan Heller, Ecotope
Built Green Conference Session: A Recipe for Affordable Net Positive Homes for a Carbon Neutral Future, featuring Ted Clifton and Jake Evans, TC Legend Homes

In People as Priority: The Business of Listening to Communities of Color and the Triple Bottom Line Resilient Communities, Whitney Lewis, Biruk Belay, Erin Feeney, and Simba Mafundikwa will address how we sometimes overlook people, especially BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities. The panel will explore how to weave social justice into a sustainable project through large and small design gestures.

Building Common Ground Towards Energy Code Consensus is an interactive roundtable session facilitated by Kjell Anderson and Leah Missik, which delves into what a consensus strategy could look like when advocating for building energy codes and policies. A great way to express your ideas and see what other people have to say to help evolve your ideas.

Jonathan Heller will showcase examples of established solutions for heat pump water heating and how best to incorporate other heat pump technologies to create carbon-neutral multifamily buildings in his Electrification of Multifamily Buildings presentation.

Ted Clifton and Jake Evans of TC Legend Homes will present their award-winning recipe to obtain a net positive home—in detail—that doesn’t break the bank. Both these presenters will also take the time to answer and discuss any questions or comments attendees may have.

Stacy Smedley, Built Green Conference Keynote

Afternoon Keynote

Stacy Smedley, Director of Sustainability at Skanska USA Building, will close out the conference on the imperative that the building industry work together to understand and create shared solutions for reducing the environmental impacts of construction, such as embodied carbon emissions. Learn about the building industry’s current environmental hot spots and real-life examples of collective impact leading to tangible and actionable reductions.


Bee Social

Throughout the day you’ll be able to converse with other attendees, keynotes, and speakers about the sessions and gain professional connections. Explore our virtual Green Product Expo Hall where our sponsors will showcase the latest green products, schedule peer-to-peer meetings, and attend an Ask-Me-Anything session with a keynote.

Don't miss out on any of the action! Follow Built Green on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for conference updates. Use the hashtag #BuiltGreen2020 to share your excitement about this year’s conference.

For complete conference details and to register, visit

Thanks to our 2020 Sponsors: Presenting Sponsor: King County GreenTools. Event Sponsors: Airmada, Craft, ERNwest, Greenhome Solutions, Mighty Energy Solutions, and The United Group

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