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MBA Members Head to Olympia for Hill Day

The MBA held its annual Hill Day in Olympia last Wednesday, February 8, providing an opportunity for members to advocate for our top-priority housing issues. Twenty-five members and Government Affairs staff met with over 30 King and Snohomish county-based legislators throughout the day.

Executive Director Shannon Affholter and MBA President Mike Walsh brief members at kick-off meeting for MBA Hill Day in Olympia.

Executive Director Shannon Affholter and MBA President Mike Walsh brief members at kick-off meeting for MBA Hill Day in Olympia.

MBA members discuss legislative priorities with Rep. Larry Springer (D, 45th District)

MBA members discuss legislative priorities with Rep. Larry Springer (D, 45th District)

Members discussed our core issues with senators and representatives, including the need to restore vested development rights, improve the process for measuring buildable land supply, find a path forward for permit-exempt wells in the wake of the Supreme Court's Hirst decision, and support workforce development.

MBA members also shared with legislators our new housing attainability piece, describing steps needed to bring housing supply more in line with our region's strong demand.

Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (D, 34th District) addresses MBA members on Hill Day.

Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (D, 34th District) addresses MBA members on Hill Day.

MBA members and staff about to meet with legislators and discuss our core housing issues.

MBA members and staff about to meet with legislators and discuss our core housing issues.

During the lunch break, Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (34th District) met with the MBA to provide a legislative update. Fitzgibbon is sponsoring a bill, HB 1862, backed by the MBA, that would allow final subdivision plat approvals to be conducted administratively.

Thanks to all our members who participated and helped make sure our association's voice is heard in Olympia!

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